Thrizer vs Mentaya

Reimbursements weeks later don’t help clients access therapy today. See how Thrizer can help your clients save on therapy upfront and skip the reimbursement wait!

Why choose Thrizer over Mentaya for your out-of-network clients?

Upfront Client Affordability
Clients can only pay their co-insurance, Thrizer waits for reimbursement
Clients pay therapist in full and wait weeks for reimbursement
Protection Against Claim Denials
We have a strict no-back-charges-ever policy for clients and therapists, even if claims are denied
Does not protect clients against claim denials - clients responsible for full cost of the session if denied
Favorable Client Pricing
Free if working towards a deductible

1% per claim if waiting for reimbursements

5% fee only if clients just pay co-insurance upfront
5% per claim if working towards deductible or waiting for reimbursements

No co-insurance option
Favorable Therapist Pricing
Standard 3% credit card fee per session
Completely free for benefits calculator
Standard 3% credit card fee per session on existing billing platform 
$29 per month for benefits calculator
End-to-End Claim Management Support
Both handle insurance back-and-forth for clients
Both handle insurance back-and-forth for clients

Thrizer does more than manage claims for clients

Upfront Client Affordability

Mentaya makes clients wait weeks for reimbursements
Clients have to pay their therapist’s full rate upfront and wait weeks for reimbursement checks in the mail.  

Thrizer helps clients skip the reimbursement wait altogether
Clients can only pay their co-insurance after sessions, while we front the rest of the therapist’s fee and wait for reimbursement on their behalf. All while therapists earn their full rate upfront.

Protection Against Claim Denials

Mentaya does not protect clients against claim denials
Mentaya only takes on the responsibility to submit a claim. If a claim is denied, clients would be responsible for the full cost of the session, without any reimbursement to help them. Mentaya only refunds their claim submission fee. 

With Thrizer, clients never deal with claim denials again
Since clients are only paying their co-insurance upfront, we take on the risk to wait for reimbursement on their behalf. Therefore, if a claim is denied, it’s on us. Our strict policy is no back charges ever for clients or therapists, even in the case of claim denials.

Favorable Client Pricing

Mentaya charges clients for every claim, even if working towards a deductible 
With Mentaya, clients pay a 5% fee for every claim, even if they are working towards a deductible or paying in full upfront and waiting for reimbursement post-deductible. That means, if a client sees her therapist weekly with a session fee of $200, she is paying $40/month to Mentaya, even if she is still working towards a deductible and receiving no reimbursement.  

Thrizer is free if working towards a deductible - and offers much more for the same cost
This client would pay $0 for the same four sessions if the therapist bills through Thrizer. If clients are working towards a deductible, Thrizer will manage the claim completely for free.

Clients only pay a 1% fee if they are waiting for reimbursements or a 5% fee if clients choose to just pay their co-insurance and skip the reimbursement wait altogether. Thrizer will manage claims end-to-end with insurance in both options.

Here’s another benefit with Thrizer: If clients go with the free option, they receive their reimbursement via direct deposit, which is much faster and anxiety-free vs. the traditional check in the mail that Mentaya offers.

Favorable Therapist Pricing

Mentaya charges monthly fees for a benefits calculator
Mentaya charges $29/month for their benefits calculator on top of the ~3% credit card transaction fee per session that therapists have to pay in their existing billing platform. 

Thrizer offers a benefits calculator completely for free
With Thrizer, therapists only pay a 3% credit card fee per session and receive our instant benefits calculator completely for free in their portal.

End-to-End Claim Management Support

Both Thrizer and Mentaya offer end-to-end claim management support, from submission through reimbursement. This means, we will deal with the insurance back-and-forth, so that clients and therapists can solely focus on care. 

Thrizer is the clear winner

Clients can only pay their co-insurance and skip the reimbursement wait
Clients are protected against claim denials 
Therapists only pay 3% per session and receive the benefits calculator for free
Clients don’t pay any fees if they are working towards a deductible

Does Thrizer or Mentaya offer a client-only service? 

Yes, Thrizer offers a client-only option if therapists prefer to be minimally involved in out-of-network billing. Therapists only need to provide clients with superbills. Thrizer has recently launched a Superbill Upload service that therapists can instead direct their clients to or link on their websites or client portals. Clients can upload their superbills for a $2/claim submission fee. Thrizer submits and manages the claims end-to-end with insurance, and clients receive reimbursements instantly or after a few weeks directly to their bank account.

Mentaya does not offer a client-only service. Therapists would have to use Mentaya themselves in order to offer their services to clients.
It’s a no-brainer. What’s the catch? None. This is truly it. 

If you want to be a part of the skip-the-reimbursement-wait revolution, get started with Thrizer in minutes.

One Final Note

While we believe in healthy competition, we also believe in honesty. With that, we want to clarify a few discrepancies we found in Mentaya’s comparison post to ensure everyone is receiving accurate information. 
Comparison Table #1 from Mentaya

Our Clarification

Therapist Cost 
Thrizer’s 3% fee is comparable to the standard credit card fee per session that therapists would need to pay in their existing billing platform regardless, even with Mentaya. 

In fact, Thrizer offers therapists the instant benefits calculator for free whereas Mentaya charges $29/month. All in all, therapists end up paying much less with Thrizer.

Benefits Calculator
By popular request, we have since released our instant benefits calculator.

“Successful Submission Guarantee” 
We’ll be honest here - we aren’t entirely sure what this means nor why we got an X. Submission isn’t the hard part, reimbursement is. 

We offer a Successful Reimbursement Guarantee, again so much so we take on the risk of waiting for reimbursements, not clients. 

By contrast, Mentaya does not protect clients against claim denials. That is if a claim is denied, the client would be responsible for paying for the full cost of the session, without receiving any reimbursement to help cover it. 
Comparison Table #2 from Mentaya

Our Clarification

Balance Billing Risk
We want to respectfully deny this assertion. Our policy has been consistent and simple: no backcharges ever for therapists and clients. 

Here’s how it actually works. We have a wealth of knowledge on allowed amounts by insurance and plan, and are able to estimate reimbursements with close precision. Furthermore, we know the exact allowed amount for each client after their first claim. If we are off on the estimate for that first claim, we take care of the difference and simply let the clients and their therapists know the updated reimbursement amount for future sessions. 

Maybe Mentaya was actually confusing us with Advekit with that comment? ;) 

Skip the reimbursement wait with Thrizer.

Get started in minutes.

OON therapy has never been

Hear From Clients

It was so hard to find a therapist that accepted my insurance. I’m so glad Thrizer Pay exists.
New York
I appreciate the responsiveness and assistance of Thrizer throughout my ongoing treatment. I am glad I don’t personally have to deal with my insurance anymore.
Lucas K
I didn’t even know my insurance would pay for out-of-network appointments, much less that I could just pay a copay as if my therapist was in-network. I wish I knew about this before!
Liam W
I could not be where I am today without Thrizer and their platform.
Paying with Thrizer has been a game changer. The cost of therapy is no longer an unneeded stressor in my life.
Jennifer M
New York
Thrizer has done nothing less than save my life. Being able to just pay a copay for out-of-network sessions allowed me to receive treatment that was essential.
Olivia R
North Carolina
I went from paying $200 per session to $50! This is an incredible offering!
Akash s