



A small update that contains something BIG.

Team Thrizer has been really diving in to content creation this year - just take a look at our Instagram and TikTok pages!

As we continue to grow and improve, our experience navigating the world of health insurance and mental healthcare payments only increases. This knowledge is valuable and, unsurprisingly, strikes a chord with our users and audience.

So, we've been making an effort to create and distribute content across all mediums that therapists and therapy-goers might appreciate.

Of course, we have our selfish reasons - content creation helps us grow our brand and establish Thrizer as a thought leader in the space. It helps get the word out on what we believe is the best solution to the out-of-network struggle that exists.

But creating content that is valuable, educational, and appreciated by our audience just.... feels different. It is a win of on its own.

And Version 3.46 features the next medium we'll be utilizing to create valuable content - a Blog!

NEWΒ Blog Center

Thrizer's brand new Blog Center is live!

The Blog currently contains great informative content diving into topics that are close to Thrizer's heart.

We'll explore the world of health insurance and how it intersects with mental healthcare, the future of mental healthcare accessibility, how the landscape will evolve given greater demand for mental healthcare parity, and more.
When you go to our Blog Center, you'll see well-written, highly-informative pieces such as:

And of course, we'll have specific blogs to keep you all updated on all the cools things happening at our company.

All packed into a carefully crafted, beautifully designed blog center.

Sound exciting? Great, because we're just getting started!
You can access the Blog from website home page, via the Company dropdown, or just simply click here.



Other Changes

  • Fixed a bug impacting Group Practices and the ability to manage their teams
  • Improved the process for clinician onboarding via client referral
  • Improved the log-in, log-out, timeout, and general authentication process on Thrizer
  • Added ability to use non-whole number (decimal places) when charging clients
  • Enhanced styling and designs on our home pages
