How to explain Thrizer to your provider

Thrizer is meant to alleviate the financial burden of out-of-network therapy and make the complex world of insurance super simple.

Here is some verbiage you can use when sending your provider information on Thrizer, so that they know what it is and how to use it.

Feel free to leverage and edit as you see fit!

Explaining Thrizer Via Email

Hi [Therapist's Name],

‍I found a company called Thrizer that helps me use my out-of-network benefits automatically when paying for your sessions.

It is a payment platform designed for therapists that you would use to charge me for our sessions. Just by charging me via Thrizer, you can automatically submit OON claims for me (no more superbills!), help me offload all the insurance stress onto them, and allow me to just pay my co-insurance for sessions once I meet my deductible. This way, I can afford therapy upfront rather than go through the hassles of submitting superbills and waiting months for insurance to reimburse me.

It works like a normal payment application for you (similar to Stripe). You continue to just pay a standard 3% credit card fee and get paid my full rate upfront (even if they are still waiting for reimbursement). I will have my payment method connected on there for you to charge after our appointments.

Would you be willing to use Thrizer for our sessions? I hope this becomes a helpful resource for me to afford therapy upfront.


[Your Name]

Explaining Thrizer Visually

Feel that it is better to explain Thrizer visually? No problem!

Direct your provider to this Help Center Document and / or the Clinician Website!

Connect your provider with Thrizer's team

Your provider may want to hear from or talk to a Thrizer team member before accepting Thrizer as a payment option.

In this case, direct your provider to this Product Demo. They can also schedule a call with us on this page.