Thrizer Explained in One Page

Thank you for your interest in Thrizer! As we continue to scale, we want to make your onboarding experience as easy as possible.

This resource will help you do just that, so that you don't have to wait to meet with us to get started. If you have any questions after reviewing these resources, please reach out to us at


Everything-You-Need-Know-About-Thrizer Video!


Here are the most commonly asked questions we cover during demo calls - curated on demand for you!



In this video, we cover:

1) What is Thrizer and how does it work?

2) What insurances do we support?Β 

3) How much does Thrizer cost? (more details on client fees on our pricing page)

4) How do payouts work for clinicians?

5) How do we handle claim denials?

...and much more!


Onboarding guides

If you are ready to get started, please select one of the interactive walkthroughs below. Get started at and follow along as we help you set up your account!


Are you a solo or group practice?Β Select one below:

Thrizer Payment Platform for Solo Practices: View setup walkthrough

Thrizer Payment Platform for Group Practices: View setup walkthrough

(If you are curious what the client setup process looks like for the payment platform, take a look at this walkthrough!)


If you are interested in Thrizer Superbill Uploads instead, take a look at this resource.

If you still need help deciding between Thrizer Payment Platform vs Thrizer Superbill Uploads, this resource might help.


How to explain Thrizer to your clients


Leverage these resources for onboarding email templates as well as language you can customize for your website and Psychology Today

Thrizer Payment Platform: View resource

Thrizer Superbill Upload: View resource


Other helpful resources


Testimonials: Hear from fellow clinicians on why they love using Thrizer

Success stories: Read in-depth case studies on how Thrizer is helping clinicians achieve their practice goals

Compare: Curious how we compare against Mentaya and Reimbursify?Β Take a look at these side-by-side comparisons

Out-of-network benefits guide: New to out-of-network benefits? Take a look at this crash course

FAQs: Visit our FAQs for other commonly asked questions

Help Center: Visit our robust help center that details everything from how to charge no-shows to how to issue refunds

BAA: Take a look at Thrizer's BAA
